I have a dear friend who fasts once a week for spiritual purposes. Each Tuesday she skips breakfast and lunch. I figure if Amber who weighs in at 130 lbs can go a day without eating, so can I. Tea without sugar is allowable, so I had hot tea for breakfast. Sugar-free gum for snack. Water and a fresh piece of sugar-free gum for lunch. For dinner, it was Skyline. Because I stopped eating red meat one month ago, my regular 3-way (steamed spaghetti, chili and mounds of cheese) was not an option. Amber once told me about the Vegetarian Black Bean coney (black beans, rice, onions and mustard served on a steamed bun and covered with cheese) that Skyline offers. Apparently , it's a secret coney for it is not listed on their regular menu. Curious to try it, yet skeptical as to its taste, I decided to order only one coney. To drink, the usual water with light ice and a lemon wedge. I was sure to drink a full glass of water before my Veggie Coney arrived. When it did, I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. I loved it! My mind then began to race. The questions that filled my head:
Why isn't this meal option listed on the menu?
Why have I not heard of this before?
Is this coney saved for only "special" patrons?
May I have another?
The last question I could answer myself. Oddly enough, although I had skipped breakfast and lunch, I didn't have a large appetite. Or maybe all of the water I drank gave my body that false feeling of being full. However, because I had much to accomplish in the evening, I decided that I better eat another coney so that I would have energy to work and exercise. Unfortunately, the second veggie coney put me over the edge! Abdominal distention and nausea set in almost immediately.
Lesson learned: I should have only eaten one coney. I never should have justified eating the second by saying I needed energy. Jewels is making a vow to listen to her body in the future and not allow greed to control what she puts in her mouth.
Tammi (Profile : 5'2", 147, nothing but back!):
Breakfast – Cheese Danish and Mt. Dew.
Snack – Hot Coffee
Lunch – Wendy's Single - no cheese, pickle, mayo, and onion only. Fries but I only ate half of them. And I'm still nursing the cherry coke.
Symone’s food intake, written in her own words, is below as :
I had a cup of yogurt and 64 ounces of water today. So far that's only 120 calories. I'm going to lunch in a second, and I'm going to the Mexican place near my job. I will be having a chicken & cheese quesadilla. I have no idea how many calories that will be, but I will have water with my meal and I will not eat again until dinner time, when I will eat a very small portion of whatever we have.
Stop obsessing about food. If we're both obsessing, how on earth are we going to make it? Is this a rhetorical question?
I am so excited your finally started your blog! Yeah! The photos are yummy and make me hungry just looking at them. What fun!
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