You would think that with the arrival of the New Year, someone obsessed with food and weight would have made a resolution to eat healthier, lose X pounds, or start a fitness routine. Well, that would just be waaaay to predictable for me. Not only have I not been fixating on my weight, I've actually been eating anything and everything in sight! Nonetheless, my craving has not yet been satisfied. What in the hee haw is wrong with me?
Yesterday was our Diva Gathering and as usual, we ate and ate and ate. Molly's significant other made the most delicious chicken wings that have ever entered my mouth. I must have eaten at least ten wings! Then, there was the cheese ball that managed to roll it's way onto my plate. I couldn't get enough of the spinach, artichoke with Parmesan cheese dip which I spread on sweet Italian bread . Even Symone's (the world's worst pasta maker in the Tri State area) spaghetti found its way onto my plate. I am certain that I came thisclose to an all out carbohydrate overdose! The Diva's request for Morgasms did not necessarily fall on deaf ears. I supplied the next best thing to a Morgasm, chocolate banana cream pie drizzled with chocolate syrup made fresh at Costco. No, it was not made with love. Yet, it was purchased with complete adoration. After all, I LOVE COSTCO and I love my Divas! (Divas, notice that I didn't say, "I like parties that never end, I like twins!!!")
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